Quarto Anno Rondine

AREA: Training
SINCE: 2015
AGE: 17 years old

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The Quarto Anno Rondine is a formative and educational opportunity officially recognized by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research as an experimental course in educational innovation. It is designed for students from all over Italy from Liceo Classico (Classical lyceum), Liceo Scientifico (Scientific lyceum), and Liceo delle Scienze umane (Human Sciences lyceum) who want to attend their fourth year (Italian high school is divided into five years) in an international environment such as the Citadel of Peace.

Here the Rondine Method, developed with the experiences of Studentato Internazionale – World House, is applied to the education of teenagers who are about to face the most important conflict of their lives: searching for their identity in the passage from childhood to adulthood, an unknown land that inspires fear.

In the Citadel of Peace, they undertake a path of development and self-awareness, to become not only the leaders of their own lives, but also agents of real change in their regions, as active citizens of the third millennium.