Ornella Chinotti

Ornella Chinotti was born in Adro, Brescia, on April 11, 1960. After graduating in Psychology, she began her professional career in Talent Acquisition and Talent Management for national and international organizations. Since 2020 she has taken on executive and business development roles in the European context, and she is currently in charge of the Italian and French market for SHL Group. She is also Chairman of the Remuneration and Appointments Committee of La Doria, Counsellor for Lavoroperlapersona and Vice President of Assoknowledge.

Member of the order of Psychologists and accredited to SCP (Coaching Psychology Society), she obtained the Master in Corporate and Business Coaching, Qualification for the use of Psychometric Tools. She works alongside with executive and senior leaders in coaching and mentorship programs, supporting changes in business and organizations.

She collaborates with training Institutions as the University Sapienza of Rome, the University of Florence and LUISS Business School. In addition to the numerous articles she has published, she is the co-author of the book “Development Factory” (Franco Angeli 2010) and has participated in numerous conferences and seminars.